Storm 1.5.1
Date: Tue Mar 17 19:51:42 2020
Command line arguments: --jani philosophers.20.jani --janiproperty MaxPrReachDeadlockTB --constants TIME_BOUND=1 --sound --precision 1e-6 --engine portfolio --ddlib sylvan '--sylvan:maxmem' 6114 '--sylvan:threads' 4
Current working directory: /
Time for model input parsing: 0.009s.
Portfolio engine picked the following settings:
engine=hybrid bisimulation=false exact=false
Time for model construction: 1.702s.
Model type: CTMC (symbolic)
States: 45239074 (342 nodes)
Transitions: 584892921 (2861 nodes)
Reward Models: none
Variables: rows: 81 meta variables (81 DD variables), columns: 81 meta variables (81 DD variables)
Labels: 3
* deadlock -> 0 state(s) (1 nodes)
* init -> 1 state(s) (82 nodes)
* deadl
Model checking property "MaxPrReachDeadlockTB": Pmax=? [true U<=1 "deadl"] ...
Computation aborted after 1801.4543080329895 seconds since the total time limit of 1800 seconds was exceeded.